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Modeling topic 1: 'Xcopy' versus 'Match and Copy'


Do you use the statements Xcopy and/or Match and Copy to copy views or statements to another action diagram?
Do you find it difficult to remember when you have to use which one?

Here the two possibilities to copy views and statements are compared.


1. Xcopy

Xcopy is used to copy statements and/or views in a 'downward' direction.

Example: Statements have to moved from an action diagram (AD) Customers to an action block Read_customer_ab. Then they can be used by other ADs. The statements and views are copied to the action block Read_customer_ab using Xcopy. In the Customers AD the statement USE is written to call the new action block Read_customer_ab.

Summary: Use Xcopy to copy statements and/or views from USEr AD to USEd AD.


2. Match & Copy

Match and Copy is used to copy views in an 'upward' direction.

Example: From the AD Customers you have to call an action block Read_customer_ab and to copy and match the necessary views. The views have not yet been defined in the calling AD Customers. Then you use 'Match and Copy' to copy and match the views to import, export or local views.

Use Match and Copy to copy and match views from a USEd AD to a USEr AD

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