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Developer for Maintenance of Applications



The objective is to train students who will maintain systems developed with CA Gen. Students will get a good knowledge of CA Gen and the principles of modeling in CA Gen. Starting from the analysis and design diagrams an application is built during the training. All important CA Gen diagrams will be discussed. 
On completion the student will be able to maintain a GUI client server, 3270-block mode, batch or CBD application. He will get comprehensive practical skills. 
He will be able to start in a CA Gen development project immediately, performing general design and construction tasks.



The course includes the following subjects:

  • Introduction in CA Gen
  • Data Modeling in CA Gen
  • Transformation of the Data Model
  • Generation of a test database
  • Design and generation of a basic application
  • Test of an application (developer test)
  • Procedures and action diagrams
  • Maintenance functionality
  • Error handling
  • Views and View Matching
  • Local views, work views
  • Designing for client-server
  • Reading the database
  • Controling the database actions
  • Explicitly indexed group views
  • Extended and complex READs
  • Flow between windows
  • Action on entity types and relationships
  • Statements for repetition and condition
  • Interfacing to external code


After discussion of the theory topics many hands on exercises guarantee that the student has achieved a good level of practical skills.
On request the training will be focusing on the system type and environment that the student will maintain after the training.



The standard duration of the Developer for Maintenance training is 8 days.



The student has to be familiar with the general concepts of system development using CA Gen.


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Gen also known as: CA Gen, AllFusion Gen, Advantage Gen, coolgen, IEF and Composer.

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